RefMet Compound Details

RefMet ID, RefMet name, exact mass and formula
RefMet IDRM0163370
RefMet nameLPE 0:0/18:0
Alternative nameLPE(0:0/18:0)
Sum CompositionLPE 18:0 View other entries in RefMet with this sum composition
Exact mass481.316842 (neutral)
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FormulaC23H48NO7PView other entries in RefMet with this formula
Chemical/Biochemical Classification
Super ClassGlycerophospholipids
Main ClassGlycerophosphoethanolamines
Sub ClassLPE (Lysophosphatidylethanolamines)
Distribution of LPE 0:0/18:0 in NMDR studies
SpeciesPlot Species distribution
Sample sourcePlot Sample source(tissue) distribution
PlatformPlatform (MS/NMR) used for detection
ChromatographyChromatography methods used for detection
StudiesNMDR Studies reporting LPE 0:0/18:0
External Links
ChEBI ID133144
Structural annotation level
Annotation level3   (1:Known structure; 2:Known regiochemistry; 3:Partial structure; 4:Sum-composition)

Table of KEGG reactions in human pathways involving LPE 0:0/18:0

Rxn IDKEGG ReactionEnzyme
R02054 Phosphatidylethanolamine + H2O <=> 2-Acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine + Fatty acidphosphatidylethanolamine 1-acylhydrolase
R03417 2-Acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine + H2O <=> Fatty acid + sn-Glycero-3-phosphoethanolamineL-2-Lysophosphatidylethanolamine aldehydohydrolase

Table of KEGG human pathways containing LPE 0:0/18:0

Pathway IDHuman Pathway# of reactions
hsa00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism 2