Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Saccharopine)

Analysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003695 Create network AN006063 Metabolomics studies on mouse cecum samples on a Western diet cecum Mouse University of Sydney API
ST003622 Create network AN005952 A multi-omic census reveals obesity-associated microRNA miR-let-7 as novel instigator of adipose mitochondrial dysfunction and of intergenerational metabolic decline. Blood Mouse Obesity University of Southern Denmark LC-MS
ST003586 Create network AN005889 Metabolomics of the murine liver Liver Mouse Diabetes Teikyo University LC-MS
ST003566 Create network AN005859 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss Liver Mouse Metabolic Disorders NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS
ST003566 Create network AN005859 Unraveling cysteine deficiency-associated rapid weight loss Urine Mouse Metabolic Disorders NYU Grossman School of Medicine LC-MS
ST003557 Create network AN005847 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- mice administered PBS or N-methyl-arginine (80 mg/kg) via a single intraperitoneal injection. Blood Mouse University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003557 Create network AN005847 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- mice administered PBS or N-methyl-arginine (80 mg/kg) via a single intraperitoneal injection. Tissue Mouse University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003551 Create network AN005837 Metabolomics analysis of N-methyl-arginine-treated HEK293 control (sgTomato) and ALDH7A1-deficient (sgALDH7A1) cells. Cultured cells Human University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003551 Create network AN005838 Metabolomics analysis of N-methyl-arginine-treated HEK293 control (sgTomato) and ALDH7A1-deficient (sgALDH7A1) cells. Cultured cells Human University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003550 Create network AN005835 Stable-isotope lysine tracing in primary mouse astrocytes and HEK293 cells. Cultured cells Human University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003550 Create network AN005835 Stable-isotope lysine tracing in primary mouse astrocytes and HEK293 cells. Cultured cells Mouse University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003550 Create network AN005836 Stable-isotope lysine tracing in primary mouse astrocytes and HEK293 cells. Cultured cells Human University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003550 Create network AN005836 Stable-isotope lysine tracing in primary mouse astrocytes and HEK293 cells. Cultured cells Mouse University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003549 Create network AN005833 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- and Aldh7a1+/+ mice. Blood Mouse Metabolic Disorders University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003549 Create network AN005833 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- and Aldh7a1+/+ mice. Tissue Mouse Metabolic Disorders University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003549 Create network AN005834 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- and Aldh7a1+/+ mice. Blood Mouse Metabolic Disorders University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003549 Create network AN005834 Metabolomics analysis of kidney, brain, liver, and plasma from Aldh7a1-/- and Aldh7a1+/+ mice. Tissue Mouse Metabolic Disorders University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003546 Create network AN005825 Improved Soil Health and Pasture Phytochemical Richness Underlies Improved Beef Nutrient Density in Southern US Grass-Finished Beef Systems Muscle Cow Utah State University Other
ST003546 Create network AN005828 Improved Soil Health and Pasture Phytochemical Richness Underlies Improved Beef Nutrient Density in Southern US Grass-Finished Beef Systems Muscle Cow Utah State University Other
ST003539 Create network AN005811 Metabolomic analysis of fluorescent hairy roots overexpressing the Gretchen Hagen 3_1 genes enhancing soybean resistance to cyst nematodes Plant roots Soybean Shenyang Agricultural University GC-MS
ST003538 Create network AN005810 Metabolomic analysis of fluorescent hairy roots overexpressing the Gretchen Hagen 3_2 genes enhancing soybean resistance to cyst nematodes Plant roots Soybean Shenyang Agricultural University GC-MS
ST003521 Create network AN005782 Metabolic Profiling Unveils Enhanced Antibacterial Synergy of Polymyxin B and Teixobactin against Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Bacterial cells Acinetobacter baumannii Bacterial infection Monash University LC-MS
ST003521 Create network AN005783 Metabolic Profiling Unveils Enhanced Antibacterial Synergy of Polymyxin B and Teixobactin against Multi-Drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Bacterial cells Acinetobacter baumannii Bacterial infection Monash University LC-MS
ST003405 Create network AN005588 Specific activation of the integrated stress response uncovers regulation of central carbon metabolism and lipid droplet biogenesis Cultured cells Human Cancer Calico Life Sciences LC-MS
ST003405 Create network AN005589 Specific activation of the integrated stress response uncovers regulation of central carbon metabolism and lipid droplet biogenesis Cultured cells Human Cancer Calico Life Sciences LC-MS
ST003362 Create network AN005504 Metabolomics analysis of Glioblastoma (GBM) cell line U251 labeled by 13C-glutamine after treatment with pimozide Cultured cells Human Cancer The Ohio State University LC-MS
ST003362 Create network AN005506 Metabolomics analysis of Glioblastoma (GBM) cell line U251 labeled by 13C-glutamine after treatment with pimozide Cultured cells Human Cancer The Ohio State University LC-MS
ST003356 Create network AN005497 Noninvasive multiomic measurement of cell type repertoires in human urine Urine Human Urinary tract infection CZ Biohub LC-MS
ST003356 Create network AN005498 Noninvasive multiomic measurement of cell type repertoires in human urine Urine Human Urinary tract infection CZ Biohub LC-MS
ST003350 Create network AN005491 Dissecting the Genetic Basis of UV-B Responsive Metabolites in Rice Leaves Rice Industrial Crops Institute of Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences LC-MS
ST003343 Create network AN005478 Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of methicillin resistant versus methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus using a simultaneous extraction protocol Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Science LC-MS
ST003311 Create network AN005423 Complementary Omics Analyses of The Brain Of A Kainic Acid Epilepsy Model Reveal Alterations In Purine And Energy Metabolism With Metabolic Implications for miRNA Cargos Within Milk-Exosomes Brain Mouse Epilepsy University of Nebraska-Lincoln GC-MS
ST003298 Create network AN005402 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Rubber tree Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. LC-MS
ST003254 Create network AN005333 The impact of grass- and grain-finishing on metabolomic profiles of North American Black Angus Beef cattle. Bovine meat Cow Duke University Other
ST003253 Create network AN005331 Metabolomics studies on mouse liver samples on a Western diet Liver Mouse Diabetes University of Sydney API
ST003253 Create network AN005331 Metabolomics studies on mouse liver samples on a Western diet Liver Mouse Hyperglycemia University of Sydney API
ST003253 Create network AN005331 Metabolomics studies on mouse liver samples on a Western diet Liver Mouse Hypertension University of Sydney API
ST003253 Create network AN005331 Metabolomics studies on mouse liver samples on a Western diet Liver Mouse Obesity University of Sydney API
ST003252 Create network AN005328 Metabolomics studies on mouse cardiac samples on a Western diet Heart Mouse Diabetes University of Sydney API
ST003252 Create network AN005328 Metabolomics studies on mouse cardiac samples on a Western diet Heart Mouse Hyperglycemia University of Sydney API
ST003252 Create network AN005328 Metabolomics studies on mouse cardiac samples on a Western diet Heart Mouse Hypertension University of Sydney API
ST003252 Create network AN005328 Metabolomics studies on mouse cardiac samples on a Western diet Heart Mouse Obesity University of Sydney API
ST003201 Create network AN005251 Molecular signatures of xenograft colon cancer models treated with topotecan: A Mass Spectrometry-Based Study Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003199 Create network AN005249 Metabolite profiling in the liver from fasted eIF4ES209A (S209A) mice compared to fasted wild type (WT) mice Liver Mouse Cancer University of Chicago LC-MS
ST003194 Create network AN005242 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed Significant Metabolic Changes in Brain Cancer Cells Treated with Paclitaxel and/or Topotecan Brain Cancer Cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003178 Create network AN005220 Post-Infectious MECFS at the NIH Cerebrospinal fluid Human Chronic fatigue syndrome National Institutes of Health Other
ST003146 Create network AN005162 Exploring The Impact of Two Novel DNA Minor Groove Binders on HCT-116 Cells: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Analysis Using Mass Spectrometry Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003104 Create network AN005083 Metabolomics studies on human cardiac samples Heart Human Heart disease University of Sydney API
ST003102 Create network AN005076 Cellular adaptation to cancer therapy occurs by progressive state transitions along a resistance continuum Ovarian cancer cells Human Cancer NYU Langone Health LC-MS
ST003101 Create network AN005072 Parallel pheromonal, metabolite, and lipid analyses reveal patterns associated with early life transitions and ovary activation in honey bee (Apis mellifera) queens Bee heads Honey bee University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST003088 Create network AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Blood Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003088 Create network AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003088 Create network AN005050 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 10) Liver Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003086 Create network AN005046 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 8) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003083 Create network AN005041 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 5) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003082 Create network AN005040 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 4) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003081 Create network AN005039 Metabolome changes in embryonic CSF (Part 3) CSF Mouse Autism Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST003065 Create network AN005021 Investigative needle core biopsies for multi-omics in Glioblastoma Brain Human Cancer Brigham and Women's Hospital MALDI
ST003063 Create network AN005018 Uncoupling Metabolic Health from Thermogenesis via BCAA Nitrogen Flux in Brown Fat - Serum metabolomics from control and MBC UCP1-KO Blood Mouse Diabetes BIDMC LC-MS
ST003053 Create network AN005006 Providing insight into the mechanism of action of Cationic Lipidated Oligomers (CLOs) using metabolomics Bacterial cells Staphylococcus aureus Bacterial infection Monash University LC-MS
ST003039 Create network AN004986 A Non-Targeted Metabolomics Comparative Study on Plasma of Pfizer and Sinopharm COVID- 19 Vaccinated individuals, Assessed by (TIMS-QTOF) Mass Spectrometry. Blood Human COVID-19 Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003029 Create network AN004966 Estrogen-mediated inhibition of purine metabolism and cell cycle arrest as a novel therapeutic approach in colorectal cancer cells Colorectal Cancer Cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003028 Create network AN004965 Chronic stress dampens Lactobacillus johnsonii-mediated tumor suppression to enhance colorectal cancer progression Colon Mouse Cancer China Pharmaceutical University LC-MS
ST003027 Create network AN004962 NMR- and MS-based omics reveal characteristic metabolome atlas and optimize biofluid earlydiagnostic biomarkers for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (part-Ⅳ) Tissue Human Cancer Shantou University Medical College GC/LC-MS
ST003002 Create network AN004931 The role of gut microbiota in muscle mitochondria function, colon health, and sarcopenia: from clinical to bench (2) Feces Human Sarcopenia The Chinese University of Hong Kong GC/LC-MS
ST002998 Create network AN004925 The role of gut microbiota in muscle mitochondria function, colon health, and sarcopenia: from clinical to bench Bacterial cells Bacteria Sarcopenia The Chinese University of Hong Kong GC/LC-MS
ST002977 Create network AN004887 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST002977 Create network AN004889 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST002976 Create network AN004886 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 2) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002975 Create network AN004885 Metabolomics Insights into Doxorubicin and 5-Fluorouracil Combination Therapy in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Xenograft Model Study (Part 1) Blood Mouse Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002969 Create network AN004878 Polar metabolites in cecal tissue of mice treated with or without ampicillin and tributyrin Cecum Mouse Bacterial infection Case Western Reserve University LC-MS
ST002910 Create network AN004779 Identifying the impact of RelA overexpression in triple negative breast cancer cells using mass spectroscopy-based proteomics and metabolomics analysis Cultured cells Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002909 Create network AN004775 Plasma metabolomics reveals distinct biological and diagnostic signatures for melioidosis Blood Human Melioidosis University of Washington Other
ST002878 Create network AN004716 Atlas of fetal metabolism during mid-to-late gestation and diabetic pregnancy. Dynamic Labelling experiment. Embryonic cells Mouse Diabetes University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST002852 Create network AN004673 MYC is a regulator of androgen receptor inhibition-induced metabolic requirements in prostate cancer Prostate Mouse Cancer University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST002841 Create network AN004650 Collaborative role of YqgC and superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in manganese intoxication: Replicate Experiment 2 Bacterial cells Bacillus subtilis Cornell University LC-MS
ST002840 Create network AN004648 Collaborative role of YqgC and superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) in manganese intoxication: Replicate Experiment 1 Bacterial cells Bacillus subtilis Cornell University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides fragilis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides uniformis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Blautia producta Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium clostridioforme Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hathewayi Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hylemonae Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium scindens Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium symbiosum Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecalis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus hirae Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Escherichia fergusonii Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Flavonifractor plautii Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004625 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Parabacteroides distasonis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides fragilis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Bacteroides uniformis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Blautia producta Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium clostridioforme Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hathewayi Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium hylemonae Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium scindens Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Clostridium symbiosum Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecalis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Enterococcus hirae Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Escherichia fergusonii Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Flavonifractor plautii Stanford University LC-MS
ST002832 Create network AN004626 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities- HILIC Bacterial cells Parabacteroides distasonis Stanford University LC-MS
ST002830 Create network AN004623 L-isoleucine in P10 STZ Retina Mouse Retinopathy of prematurity Boston Children's Hospital LC-MS
ST002814 Create network AN004706 Atlas of fetal metabolism during mid-to-late gestation and diabetic pregnancy Embryonic cells Mouse Diabetes University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome BAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Blood Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Diaphragm Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome gWAT Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Heart Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Liver Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002813 Create network AN004576 Effects of acute cold exposure on mouse metabolome Quadriceps Mouse University of Pennsylvania LC-MS
ST002809 Create network AN004566 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Dog Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina LC-MS
ST002809 Create network AN004566 Role of cilia in mitochondrial function Cultured cells Mouse Kidney disease Medical University of South Carolina LC-MS
ST002787 Create network AN004535 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology LC-MS
ST002776 Create network AN004519 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration, Tectum Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST002776 Create network AN004520 Zebrafish Optic Nerve Regeneration, Tectum Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST002775 Create network AN004517 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST002775 Create network AN004518 Zebrafish Retina Regeneration Metabolomics - 3 Days Post Crush Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST002755 Create network AN004472 Metabolomics Profiling of the Antiproliferative, Anti-migratory and Anti-invasive Potential of Amlodipine in Lung Cancer Cells Lung Human Cancer Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002751 Create network AN004464 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 5) Liver Mouse Cornell University LC-MS
ST002747 Create network AN004454 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Human CZ Biohub LC-MS
ST002747 Create network AN004454 Evolutionary genomics identifies host-directed therapeutics to treat intracellular bacterial infections Cultured cells Rickettsia parkeri CZ Biohub LC-MS
ST002736 Create network AN004438 Assessing mitochondrial bioenergetics in coronary artery disease: A translational multiomic tissue study in humans (The AMBITION study). Heart Human Cardiovascular disease Imperial College London LC-MS
ST002730 Create network AN004427 Multi-Omics profiling of Candida albicans from agar plate and suspension media Yeast cells Candida albicans University of Sharjah LC-MS
ST002709 Create network AN004391 FH variant pathogenicity promotes purine salvage pathway dependence in kidney cancer Cultured cells Human Cancer University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST002708 Create network AN004390 Levels of central carbon metabolites in choroid plexus as part of natural diurnal variation Brain Mouse Circadian Rhythm Disorder Boston Children's Hospital LC-MS
ST002703 Create network AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Cancer University of Sharjah LC-MS
ST002703 Create network AN004383 Multi-Omics Analysis Revealed a Significant Molecular Changes in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Cancer Cells. Lung Human Lung disease University of Sharjah LC-MS
ST002697 Create network AN004371 Employing Hindlimb Unloading Model for The Identification of Serum Biomarkers Associated with Cardiovascular and Skeletal Muscle Deconditioning. Blood Mouse Musculoskeletal system disease Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002584 Create network AN004256 Metabolomics analysis of ALDH1L1-expressing HuH7 cell lines. Cultured cells Human Cancer Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University LC-MS
ST002512 Create network AN004136 Gnotobiotic mice: Metabolites in intestinal contents of germ-free mice colonized with strains of gut bacterium Eggerthella lenta Intestine Mouse University of California, San Francisco LC-MS
ST002512 Create network AN004137 Gnotobiotic mice: Metabolites in intestinal contents of germ-free mice colonized with strains of gut bacterium Eggerthella lenta Intestine Mouse University of California, San Francisco LC-MS
ST002505 Create network AN004126 A Mammalian Conserved Circular RNA CircLARP2 Regulates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Metastasis and Lipid Metabolism (Part 1) Cultured cells Human Cancer University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS
ST002497 Create network AN004101 Postnatal hyperglycemia alters amino acid profile in retinas Retina Mouse Eye disease Boston Children's Hospital LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Apple Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Basil Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Garlic Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Lettuce Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Strawberry Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002493 Create network AN004086 Composition of raw plant-based food items Pilot Study Plant Tomato Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Apple Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Banana Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Basil Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Beet Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Carrot Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Chickpea Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Chili pepper Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Common bean Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Garlic Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Lettuce Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Maize Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Olive Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Onion Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Peach Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Pear Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Potato Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Soybean Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Spinach Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Strawberry Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002492 Create network AN004081 Composition of raw plant-based food items Plant Tomato Northeastern University; Massachusets Institute of Technology LC-MS
ST002479 Create network AN004079 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Hamster) Cecum Mouse COVID-19 Keio University CE-MS
ST002479 Create network AN004079 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Hamster) Cecum Mouse Influenza Keio University CE-MS
ST002476 Create network AN004077 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Mouse) Cecum Mouse COVID-19 Keio University CE-MS
ST002476 Create network AN004077 High body temperature increases gut microbiota-dependent host resistance to influenza A virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection (Mouse) Cecum Mouse Influenza Keio University CE-MS
ST002427 Create network AN003950 Dansylated Human Plasma at Known Light-Heavy Mixing Ratios Blood Human University of North Carolina Greensboro LC-MS
ST002416 Create network AN003937 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis (Part 2) Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002415 Create network AN003936 Proteomics and metabolomics of multiple sclerosis Brain Mouse Multiple sclerosis Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002405 Create network AN003919 Stool global metabolite levels in peanut allergy (Part 2) Feces Human Peanut allergy Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai LC-MS
ST002391 Create network AN003896 Evaluation of Two Simultaneous Metabolomic and Proteomic Extraction Protocols Assessed by Ultra-High-Performance Liq-uid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Blood Human Sharjah Institute for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002377 Create network AN003873 Hepatic Phosphatidylcholine Catabolism Driven by PNPLA7 and PNPLA8 Supplies Endogenous Choline to Replenish the Methionine Cycle with Methyl Groups (Pnpla7-knockout) Liver Mouse Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science LC-MS
ST002376 Create network AN003871 Hepatic Phosphatidylcholine Catabolism Driven by PNPLA7 and PNPLA8 Supplies Endogenous Choline to Replenish the Methionine Cycle with Methyl Groups(Pnpla8-knockout) Liver Mouse Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science LC-MS
ST002352 Create network AN004098 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 2) Liver Mouse Cornell University LC-MS
ST002349 Create network AN004095 Biomolecular condensates create phospholipid-enriched microenvironments (Part 1) Liver Mouse Cornell University LC-MS
ST002327 Create network AN003796 Effect of PARK7 gene KO on midbrain organoids Cultured cells Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai LC-MS
ST002263 Create network AN003697 Intermittent fasting induces rapid hepatocyte proliferation to maintain the hepatostat Liver Mouse Stanford University LC-MS
ST002231 Create network AN003641 Metabolomics Analysis of HOG-EV and HOG-R132H Cells with and without BAY 2402234 Treatment Cultured cells Human Cancer UT Southwestern Medical Center LC-MS
ST002206 Create network AN003609 Lipolysis-derived Lipids Determine Autophagy Initiation during Fasting Worms C. elegans Seoul National University LC-MS
ST002172 Create network AN003559 Cecal metabolome of gnotobiotic (containing a 14-member synthetic human gut microbiota), and germ-free mice fed with two distinct rodent diets with varying fiber content. Cecum Mouse Luxembourg Institute of Health LC-MS
ST002163 Create network AN003545 Remote solid cancers rewire hepatic nitrogen metabolism via host nicotinamide-N-methyltransferase Liver Mouse Cancer Tohoku University LC-MS
ST002155 Create network AN003530 Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections Feces Human Bacterial infection Brigham and Women's Hospital LC-MS
ST002153 Create network AN003526 Data from plasma metabolome analysis of APP-KI and Wild type mice treated with B. breve MCC1274 Blood Mouse Morinaga milk industry CO., LTD. LC-MS
ST002149 Create network AN003519 In vivo commensal control of Clostridioides difficile virulence Cecum Mouse Brigham and Women's Hospital LC-MS
ST002094 Create network AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic LC-MS
ST002094 Create network AN003421 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic LC-MS
ST002075 Create network AN003382 Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device (Part 2) Intestine Human University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST002026 Create network AN003296 Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/GC) Feces Human University of California, Davis GC-MS
ST002018 Create network AN003288 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (feces) Feces Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center LC-MS
ST001983 Create network AN003234 Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Human High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Lines Ovarian cancer cells Human Cancer University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center LC-MS
ST001979 Create network AN003228 Anti-oxidation metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (VI) Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001978 Create network AN003226 Anti-oxidation metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (V) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001977 Create network AN003225 Anti-oxidative metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (IV) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001976 Create network AN003224 Anti-oxidation metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (III) Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001975 Create network AN003223 Anti-oxidative metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (II) Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001974 Create network AN003222 Anti-oxidative metabolism measurement in mammalian cells and tissues by quantitative LC/MS method (I) Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Cancer Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001954 Create network AN003179 A pathogenic role for histone H3 copper reductase activity in a yeast model of Friedreich’s Ataxia Yeast cells Yeast Friedreichs Ataxia University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003155 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003156 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003157 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003158 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001888 Create network AN003058 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain (Study part II) Brain Mouse University of California, Davis GC-MS/LC-MS
ST001860 Create network AN003015 Spontaneous hydrolysis and spurious metabolic properties of α-ketoglutarate esters Cultured cells Human University of British Columbia LC-MS
ST001856 Create network AN003008 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 2) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University LC-MS
ST001855 Create network AN003006 The metabolomic resetting effect of FG4592 in AKI to CKD transition-day 21 (Part 1) Kidney Mouse Kidney disease Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University LC-MS
ST001835 Create network AN002977 Use of Integrated Metabolomics, Transcriptomics, and Signal Protein Profile to Characterize the Effector Function and Associated Metabotype of Polarized Macrophage Phenotypes Blood Human Idaho Veterans Research and Education Foundation LC-MS
ST001827 Create network AN002963 The pregnancy metabolome from a multi-ethnic pregnancy cohort Blood Human Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai LC-MS
ST001794 Create network AN002911 Metabolomics Analysis of Time-Series Gastrointestinal Lumen Samples Jejunum Human University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST001789 Create network AN002901 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Blood Human University of California, San Diego LC-MS
ST001780 Create network AN002890 Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise Cerebrospinal fluid Human University of California, San Diego School of Medicine LC-MS
ST001773 Create network AN002880 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse biofluids (part II) Blood Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001772 Create network AN002879 Optimization of redox metabolite detection in mammalian cells (part II) Cultured cells Human Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001771 Create network AN002878 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for profiling redox state following pharmacologic perturbations of redox balance in cells (part III) Cultured cells Human Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001769 Create network AN002876 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for profiling redox state following pharmacologic perturbations of redox balance in cells (part I) Cultured cells Human Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001768 Create network AN002875 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mammalian tissues (part III) Kidney Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001768 Create network AN002875 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mammalian tissues (part III) Liver Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001763 Create network AN002870 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse liver (part II) Liver Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001762 Create network AN002869 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse kidney (part II) Kidney Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001761 Create network AN002868 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse biofluids Cerebrospinal fluid Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001760 Create network AN002867 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse kidney Kidney Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001759 Create network AN002866 Application of the redox metabolite detection method for mouse liver Liver Mouse Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School LC-MS
ST001745 Create network AN002838 Metabolomic profiling of the rat hippocampus across developmental ages and after learning Brain Rat New York University LC-MS
ST001709 Create network AN002784 SARS-CoV-2 infection rewires host cell metabolism and is potentially susceptible to mTORC1 inhibition Cultured cells Human COVID-19 University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001684 Create network AN002751 An overexpression of lipoprotein lipase leads to an alteration in the skeletal muscle metabolome in transgenic rabbits Muscle Rabbit Saga University LC-MS
ST001680 Create network AN002739 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine LC-MS
ST001668 Create network AN002720 D-Allulose effects on hepatic metabolomics profile in rodents Liver Rat Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. LC-MS
ST001638 Create network AN002680 Metabolomics analysis of Vehicle (DMSO/PBS; (1:1) v/v) and DRB18 (10 mg/kg) treated A549 xenograft tumors Tumor cells Mouse Cancer Ohio University LC-MS
ST001637 Create network AN002676 A Metabolome Atlas of the Aging Mouse Brain Brain Mouse University of California, Davis GC-MS/LC-MS
ST001420 Create network AN002375 Metabolomic analysis of patients with recurrent angina Blood Human Angina University of California, San Diego
ST001404 Create network AN002346 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-III) Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center LC-MS
ST001403 Create network AN002345 Ontogeny related changes in the pediatric liver metabolome (part-II) Liver Human Moffitt Cancer Center LC-MS
ST001324 Create network AN002202 Metabolomics Adaptation of Juvenile Pacific Abalone Haliotis discus hannai to Heat Stress Pacific Abalone Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences LC-MS
ST001318 Create network AN002194 Atg32-mediated mitophagy promotes heat stress tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by sustaining spermidine and nitric oxide levels Yeast cells Yeast University of California, Davis GC-MS
ST001301 Create network AN002166 Luminal metabolome profiles of human microbiota-associated (HMA) mice treated with anti-IL-22 antibody or control antibody Feces Mouse Bacterial infection University of Michigan LC-MS
ST001300 Create network AN002164 Luminal metabolome profiles ofUC-HMA mice transplanted with a healthy human-derived fecal microbiota (FMT). Feces Mouse Bacterial infection University of Michigan LC-MS
ST001218 Create network AN002031 Wild type versus TRACK Mice on regular chow and Vitamin A deprived diet Kidney Mouse Cancer Weill Cornell Medicine LC-MS
ST001201 Create network AN001998 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Human Malaria Monash University LC-MS
ST001201 Create network AN001998 Peroxide antimalarial treatment timecourse on trophozoite-stage P. falciparum parasites Cultured cells Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Monash University LC-MS
ST001198 Create network AN001994 Targeted LC-MS/MS Analysis of Soluble Metabolites in the MeOH:H2O Phase (part-IV) Bacterial cells Synechococcus Colorado State University LC-MS
ST001122 Create network AN001847 Identification of urine metabolites in patients with interstitial cystitis using untargeted metabolomics (part II) Urine Human Interstitial cystitis University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST001088 Create network AN001773 Physiological and metabolic response of crab megalopae and juveniles to ocean acidification Muscle Crab NOAA NWFSC GC-MS
ST001062 Create network AN001736 Arabidopsis Nit1 knockout metabolomics Plant Arabidopsis thaliana University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST001031 Create network AN001691 Metabolome analysis on multi-connected biparental chromosome segment substitution line populations in rice Plant Rice Huazhong Agricultural University LC-MS
ST000930 Create network AN001524 Define alterations in the gut metabolome of mice infected with C. difficile Cecum Mouse North Carolina State University LC-MS
ST000903 Create network AN001470 Pharmacometabolomic analysis of rat hippocampus and plasma in response to chronic stress and albiflorin treament Blood Rat Stress Beijing Wonner Biotech. Ltd. Co. LC-MS
ST000884 Create network AN001441 Evidence that COG0325 proteins are involved in PLP homeostasis Cells E. coli University of California, Davis GC-MS
ST000617 Create network AN000947 Validation of the application of targeted metabolomic appraoch in the diagnosis of CFS Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego LC-MS
ST000570 Create network AN000878 Metabolome analysis of the cecal contents of GF mice and GF mice colonized with dominant gut microbes present in the ceca of neonatal and adult mice Feces Mouse Keio University LC-MS
ST000569 Create network AN000876 Effect of minimal and complex media on the metabolite profiles Bacterial cells Yeast Graduate school of Korea University GC-MS
ST000478 Create network AN000744 NMR based Metabolomics Analysis of Liver from C57BL/6 Mouse Exposed to Ionizing Radiation Liver Mouse Radiation exposure Pacific Northwest National Laboratory NMR
ST000450 Create network AN000705 Metabolic features of chronic fatigue syndrome Blood Human Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of California, San Diego LC-MS
ST000404 Create network AN000644 Role of HVCN1 in B cell malignancies Cells Human Cancer University of California, Davis GC-MS
ST000231 Create network AN000346 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (part II) Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University LC-MS
ST000230 Create network AN000344 Comprehensive analysis of transcriptome and metabolome in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Liver Human Cancer Osaka City University LC-MS
ST000047 Create network AN000081 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (CSF) Cerebrospinal fluid Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic LC-MS
ST000040 Create network AN000061 Heatshock response of C. elegans using IROA (I) Worms C. elegans University of Florida LC-MS
ST000017 Create network AN000034 Rat HCR/LCR Stamina Study Blood Rat University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000016 Create network AN000033 NPM-ALK metabolic regulation Lymphoma cells Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000009 Create network AN000023 Mixed meal tolerance Human University of Michigan LC-MS
ST000006 Create network AN000020 White Wine Study Wine Vine University of California, Davis GC-MS