Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Malonyl-CoA)

ST003104 AN005083 Metabolomics studies on human cardiac samples Heart Human Heart disease University of Sydney abundance
ST003252 AN005328 Metabolomics studies on mouse cardiac samples on a Western diet Heart Mouse Obesity; Diabetes; Hypertension; Hyperglycemia University of Sydney abundance
ST003253 AN005331 Metabolomics studies on mouse liver samples on a Western diet Liver Mouse Obesity; Diabetes; Hypertension; Hyperglycemia University of Sydney abundance
ST002864 AN004696 Metabolic profiling, glucose tracing and glutamine tracing in naive and Enzalutamide-treated 16D prostate cancer cells expressing RFP or MYC Prostate cancer cells Human Cancer University of California, Los Angeles Abundance
ST002865 AN004697 Metabolic profiling, glucose tracing and glutamine tracing in 16D prostate cancer cells treated with vehicle, AR inhibitor Enzalutamide, AR inhibitor Apalutamide, or AR degrader/PROTAC ARCC-4 Prostate cancer cells Human Cancer University of California, Los Angeles Abundance
ST002708 AN004390 Levels of central carbon metabolites in choroid plexus as part of natural diurnal variation Brain Mouse Circadian Rhythm Disorder Boston Childrens Hospital a.u.
ST002123 AN003476 GCN2 regulates mitochondrial OXPHOS in HSPCs under proliferation conditions. Bone marrow Mouse Sun Yat-sen University AU
ST003148 AN005165 BT-474 cells fed with [U-13C6] D-glucose or [U-13C5] L-glutamine and treated with Fasnall and GSK2194069 for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute AU
ST003365 AN005514 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 breast cancer cells treated with a range of Fasnall and GSK2194069 concentrations for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003365 AN005515 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 breast cancer cells treated with a range of Fasnall and GSK2194069 concentrations for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003366 AN005516 Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) inhibition assay: Fasnall does not affect MDH activity in vitro Synthetic Other Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003366 AN005517 Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) inhibition assay: Fasnall does not affect MDH activity in vitro Synthetic Other Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003367 AN005518 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003367 AN005519 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003411 AN005602 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h (C75 MRM included) Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003411 AN005603 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h (C75 MRM included) Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003412 AN005604 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with cerulenin, TVB-2640, and TVB-3166 for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003412 AN005605 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with cerulenin, TVB-2640, and TVB-3166 for 24 h Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003427 AN005627 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate Breast cancer cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003427 AN005628 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate Breast cancer cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003428 AN005629 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with rotenone Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003428 AN005630 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with rotenone Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003429 AN005631 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with Fasnall that was manufactured by Enamine Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003429 AN005632 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with Fasnall that was manufactured by Enamine Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003430 AN005633 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with GSK2194069 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003430 AN005634 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with GSK2194069 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003431 AN005635 Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003431 AN005636 Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003432 AN005637 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003432 AN005638 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003433 AN005639 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003433 AN005640 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 Cultured cells Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003434 AN005641 Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. Blood Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003434 AN005642 Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. Blood Human Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003435 AN005643 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 Media, Metabolite extract Zebra fish Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003435 AN005644 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 Media, Metabolite extract Zebra fish Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003436 AN005645 Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice Brain, Heart, Liver, Blood Mouse Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST003436 AN005646 Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice Brain, Heart, Liver, Blood Mouse Cancer Wistar Institute Counts per second (cps)
ST002187 AN003581 Interplay of CodY and CcpA in regulating central metabolism and biofilm formation in S. aureus Bacterial cells S. aureus Bacterial infection University of Nebraska Medical Center CPS
ST002119 AN003469 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish response to CID661578 treatment Larvae Zebrafish Diabetes North Carolina State University ion counts
ST002152 AN003525 Metabolomics analysis of mouse liver with or without SIRT5 deficiency Liver Mouse North Carolina State University ion counts
ST001961 AN003196 Metabolomics of brown adipose tissue in murine heart failure model Adipose tissue Mouse Juntendo University nmol/g
ST000351 AN000571 Determining the metabolic profile of wildtype, lrgAB, and atlA mutant Steptococcus mutans grown aerobically and anaerobically Bacterial cells Streptococcus Antibiotic resistance University of Florida nmol/mg
ST001350 AN002246 Extraction of high-resolution Metabolomics data of the Yeast Metabolic Cycle Yeast cells Yeast University of Florida nmol/mg protein
ST002431 AN003957 MS profiling of the Long Term Evolution Experiment Bacterial cells E. coli Rutgers University peak area
ST002431 AN003958 MS profiling of the Long Term Evolution Experiment Bacterial cells E. coli Rutgers University peak area
ST002895 AN004754 Polar metabolite levels in K562 cells following folate depletion and inosine supplementation Cultured cells Human Anemia Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School peak area
ST002896 AN004755 Polar metabolite levels in MEL cells following folate depletion and inosine supplementation Cultured cells Mouse Anemia Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School peak area
ST002906 AN004769 Polar metabolite levels in K562 cells following short-term folate depletion Cultured cells Human Anemia Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School peak area
ST000145 AN000230 Primary T Cell Noxa Knockdown (Donor 8) T-cells Human Cancer University of Michigan Peak area
ST000146 AN000232 Noxa regulation of malate aspartate shuttle T-cells Human Cancer University of Michigan Peak area
ST000147 AN000233 13C targeted metabolomics T-cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000154 AN000245 Use of Aspartate Dehydrogenase by cancer cells T-cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000159 AN000251 U13C-Glutamine and U13C-Glucose Flux Analysis (MFA SiHa B16F10) Cultured cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST000282 AN000449 Pilot Study 13C flux effects when RhoC or RhoA perturbed (13C BCs) Cells Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST001441 AN002409 Metabolomics of patient-derived fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Human Mitochondrial disease North Carolina State University Peak area
ST002846 AN004664 Apolipoprotein E suppresses hyperlipidemia-driven hematopoiesis & inflammation by controlling mitochondrial metabolism Macrophages Mouse Hyperlipidemia Northwestern University Peak area
ST000121 AN000203 Impact of anesthesia and euthanasia on metabolomics of mammalian tissues: studies in a C57BL/6J mouse model Adipose tissue Mouse University of Michigan Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)
ST000121 AN000203 Impact of anesthesia and euthanasia on metabolomics of mammalian tissues: studies in a C57BL/6J mouse model Blood Mouse University of Michigan Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)
ST000121 AN000203 Impact of anesthesia and euthanasia on metabolomics of mammalian tissues: studies in a C57BL/6J mouse model Heart Mouse University of Michigan Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)
ST000121 AN000203 Impact of anesthesia and euthanasia on metabolomics of mammalian tissues: studies in a C57BL/6J mouse model Liver Mouse University of Michigan Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)
ST000121 AN000203 Impact of anesthesia and euthanasia on metabolomics of mammalian tissues: studies in a C57BL/6J mouse model Muscle Mouse University of Michigan Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)
ST002920 AN004790 Possible PPARG-independent effects of DINCH and MINCH on central carbon metabolism Adipose tissue Human Obesity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Peak AUC
ST002922 AN004792 Effects of DINCH and MINCH on adipocyte metabolism of human SGBS cells. Adipose tissue Human Obesity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Peak AUC
ST001364 AN002271 Core Functional Nodes and Sex-Specific Pathways in Human Ischemic and Dilated Cardiomyopathy Heart Human Cardiomyopathy University of Sydney Peak intensity
ST002541 AN004186 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 1) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002541 AN004187 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 1) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002542 AN004188 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 2) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST002542 AN004189 Methionine restriction constrains lipoylation and activates mitochondria for nitrogenic synthesis of amino acids (Part 2) Yeast cells Yeast Life Sciences Institute, ZheJiang University Peak intensity
ST000451 AN000707 The alpha-1A adrenergic receptor agonist A61603 reduces cardiac polyunsaturated fatty acid-Heart raw data Muscle Mouse University of North Carolina Peak values (scaled)
ST001135 AN001861 Different dose exposure of OPC-163493 on HepG2 cells (part-I) Hep G2 cells Human Diabetes Otsuka Pharmaceuticals pmol/1000000 cells
ST002743 AN004448 Metabolomics comparison of lung fibroblasts from Pteropus alecto and Homo sapiens Cultured cells Black flying fox fruit bat Duke-NUS Medical School pmol/10^6 cells
ST002743 AN004448 Metabolomics comparison of lung fibroblasts from Pteropus alecto and Homo sapiens Cultured cells Human Duke-NUS Medical School pmol/10^6 cells
ST000337 AN000545 Metabolomics Approach to Allograft Assessment in Liver Transplantation Liver Human Organ transplantation Ochsner Multi-Organ Transplant Institute pmol/mg dry powder
ST002084 AN003401 A genome-scale gain-of-function CRISPR screen in CD8 T cells identifies proline metabolism as a means to enhance CAR-T therapy(Part 2) Cultured cells Human Cancer Yale University ppm
ST002716 AN004404 Ventricle-specific myocardial protein and metabolite characterisation in healthy humans, with differential regulation in end-stage cardiomyopathies (Part 1) Heart Human Cardiomyopathy University of Sydney Relative abundance
ST002717 AN004406 Ventricle-specific myocardial protein and metabolite characterisation in healthy humans, with differential regulation in end-stage cardiomyopathies (Part 2) Heart Human Cardiomyopathy University of Sydney Relative abundance
ST002584 AN004255 Metabolomics analysis of ALDH1L1-expressing HuH7 cell lines. Cultured cells Human Cancer Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University relative area