Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:LTD4)

Analysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003378 Create network AN005530 Effects of Aldehydes on lipid metabolism in mice Liver Mouse Liver disease Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003378 Create network AN005530 Effects of Aldehydes on lipid metabolism in mice Liver Mouse Obesity Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003378 Create network AN005532 Effects of Aldehydes on lipid metabolism in mice Liver Mouse Liver disease Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research LC-MS
ST003378 Create network AN005532 Effects of Aldehydes on lipid metabolism in mice Liver Mouse Obesity Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research LC-MS
ST002968 Create network AN004876 Untargeted metabolomic studies of the PSD95-nNOS uncoupling agent against post-stroke depression in rats Brain cortex Rat Depression Nanjing University of Science & Technology LC-MS
ST002455 Create network AN004005 Organism-Wide Analysis of Sepsis Reveals Mechanisms of Systemic Inflammation Blood Mouse Sepsis University of Chicago LC-MS
ST002307 Create network AN003769 Metabolomics profiling of the secondary fractions 4 of bacterial culture supernatants. Bacterial cells Bacillus megaterium Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of Connecticut LC-MS
ST002307 Create network AN003769 Metabolomics profiling of the secondary fractions 4 of bacterial culture supernatants. Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of Connecticut LC-MS
ST002306 Create network AN003768 Metabolomics profiling of full extracts of bacterial culture supernatants. Bacterial cells Bacillus megaterium Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of Connecticut LC-MS
ST002306 Create network AN003768 Metabolomics profiling of full extracts of bacterial culture supernatants. Bacterial cells Enterococcus faecium Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome University of Connecticut LC-MS
ST001680 Create network AN002740 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine LC-MS
ST001610 Create network AN002644 Control (DMSO 0.1%; v/v) and 10 µM DRB18 treated A549 lung cancer cells in vitro for 48 hours Lung Human Cancer Ohio University LC-MS
ST001215 Create network AN002026 Effect of Mirabegron Treatment on serum lipidome Blood Human Joslin Diabetes Center LC-MS
ST001214 Create network AN002025 Lipidommics in the serum of human subjects Blood Human Joslin Diabetes Center LC-MS
ST001213 Create network AN002024 Serum lipidomic profile of cold-exposed Ucp1cre/12-LOX KO mice Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center LC-MS
ST001207 Create network AN002009 Lipidomics in the serum of cold exposed mice treated with 12-LOX inhibitor LOXBlock-1 Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center LC-MS
ST001206 Create network AN002008 Effects of cold exposure on serum lipidomic in mice Blood Mouse Joslin Diabetes Center LC-MS
ST001124 Create network AN001849 Early Mechanistic Events Induced by Secondhand Smoke Prevalent Low Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mouse Lung Epithelial Cells Epithelial cells Mouse Lung disease University of Colorado Denver LC-MS
ST000046 Create network AN000079 Identification of altered metabolic pathways in Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment and cognitively normals using Metabolomics (plasma) Blood Human Alzheimers disease Mayo Clinic LC-MS