Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
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List of Studies ( Metabolite:EPA)

ST000977 AN001601 Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Blood Human Fatty liver disease University of California, Davis %
ST001680 AN002741 Metabolome of NAFLD in high fat diet mouse model Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease Weill Cornell Medicine Abundance
ST003254 AN005335 The impact of grass- and grain-finishing on metabolomic profiles of North American Black Angus Beef cattle. Bovine meat Cow Duke University Arbitrary Units
ST001965 AN003203 Integration of Metabolomics and Proteomics to Unveil Orchestration of Photorespiration and Central Carbon Pathway in Microchloropsis gaditana NIES 2587 Algae Microchloropsis gaditana International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Area
ST002215 AN003624 Time course GCMS based untargeted metabolomics in the presence of glucose and glycerol Cultured cells Aurantiochytrium limacinum International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Area
ST002758 AN004476 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Plasma) Blood Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002759 AN004480 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney cortex) Kidney cortex Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002759 AN004482 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney cortex) Kidney cortex Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST002760 AN004484 Metabolic responses of normal rat kidneys to a high salt intake (Kidney outer medulla) Kidney outer medulla Rat Medical College of Wisconsin Area
ST003327 AN005450 Control Of Major Bleeding After Trauma (COMBAT) Clinical Research Trial Metabolomics Blood Human Trauma University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus area under curve
ST000862 AN001387 Targeting Myelin FFA Compostion in PAR1 and PAR2 Mice after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic % composition by nmol
ST000960 AN001574 The Influence of Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners, and the Microbiome on Rodent Triglyceride Composition (part III) Blood Rat Metabolic syndrome Mayo Clinic % composition by nmol
ST002455 AN004005 Organism-Wide Analysis of Sepsis Reveals Mechanisms of Systemic Inflammation Blood Mouse Sepsis University of Chicago intensity
ST002797 AN004550 Fetal metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular stress in twin-twin transfusion syndrome Amniotic fluid Human Twin-twin transfusion syndrome University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston intensity
ST001224 AN002037 Vaginal swab lipidome profiles at 48 h reflect the fat composition of neonatal diet during first two days postnatal Vaginal epithelium Pig Purdue University ion count
ST002956 AN004854 An application of automated LLE extraction in determine the age and HFD effects in adult mice in metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic Blood Mouse Calico Life Sciences Log2(Top Peak Area)
ST002956 AN004856 An application of automated LLE extraction in determine the age and HFD effects in adult mice in metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic Blood Mouse Calico Life Sciences Log2(Top Peak Area)
ST003403 AN005585 The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Metabolomics Bacterial cells Streptococcus pyogenes Bacterial infection INSERM µM
ST001951 AN003176 Quantification of ω-3 fatty acids and their derivatives in lungs from hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (PH) mice. Lung Mouse Pulmonary hypertension University of Tokyo ng/mg tissue
ST003349 AN005486 An integrated LC-MS analysis of the biometric characteristics of different time cohorts of race walkers - targeted Blood Human The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University ng/mL
ST000848 AN001372 Targeting Myelin NEFA of Kallikrein 6 Signals through PAR1 and PAR2 to Enchance Recovery of Function after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic ng/ug of protein
ST000004 AN000004 Lipidomics studies on NIDDK / NIST human plasma samples Blood Human LIPID MAPS nM
ST000107 AN000178 Metabolomic and lipidomic profiles in response to exogenous insulin and GLP-1 infusions during prolonged fasting Blood Seal Diabetes University of California, Davis nM
ST001245 AN002069 Luteal lipids regulate progesterone production and may modulate immune cell function during the estrous cycle and pregnancy Corpus Luteum Cow University of California, Davis nM
ST001098 AN001786 Metabolomics of Metabolic Risk in Patients Taking Atypical Antipsychotics (part II) Blood Human Schizophrenia University of Michigan nmol
ST000794 AN001265 Targeted NEFA Panel of Myelin to Enhance Recovery of Function after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic nmol/vial
ST000856 AN001381 Targeted NEFA in Kallikrein 6 Mice after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic nmol/vial
ST000861 AN001386 Targeting Myelin NEFA in PAR1 and PAR2 Mice after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic nmol/vial
ST001010 AN001652 NEFA Panel in Muscle Tissue of Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-V) Muscle Human Cachexia Mayo Clinic nmol/vial
ST001010 AN001652 NEFA Panel in Muscle Tissue of Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-V) Muscle Human Cancer Mayo Clinic nmol/vial
ST003050 AN005001 Plasma instead of serum avoids critical confounding of clinical metabolomics studies by platelets (Part 1) Blood Human University of Vienna normalized AUC
ST003277 AN005367 LC-MS/MS spatial analysis of mouse GI Intestine Mouse Brown University normalized imputed data
ST002217 AN003626 Non-targeted metabolomics screen comparing metabolite profiles of serum from PDAC-bearing mice that received 1% choline supplementation or control diet using high-resolution, high-performance LC-MS/MS analysis. Blood Mouse Cancer The Wistar Institute Normalized Peak Area
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Ilyonectria estremocensis University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Ilyonectria mors-panacis University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Ilyonectria robusta University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Ilyonectria rufa University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Ilyonectria torresensis University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST001356 AN002255 Diel Metabolites in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (KM1513) Suspended Marine Particulate Matter Neonectria obtusispora University of Washington Normalized Peak Area per L of SW filtered
ST002153 AN003527 Data from plasma metabolome analysis of APP-KI and Wild type mice treated with B. breve MCC1274 Blood Mouse Morinaga milk industry CO., LTD. peak area
ST002200 AN003602 Human Trisome Project Plasma Metabolomics v1 Blood Human Down syndrome University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST002213 AN003618 Metabolic changes in Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons versus non-demented controls Fibroblast cells Human Alzheimers disease University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST002213 AN003620 Metabolic changes in Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons versus non-demented controls Fibroblast cells Human Alzheimers disease University of Colorado Denver peak area
ST003150 AN005168 Impact of early-life exposure to a potent aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligand on gut microbiota and host glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6J male mice (Part II) Liver Mouse Environmental exposure Penn State University peak area
ST000233 AN000350 Metabolomics Reveals that Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation by Environmental Chemicals Induces Systemic Metabolic Dysfunction in Mice (Part II) Mouse Pennsylvania State University Peak area
ST001218 AN002031 Wild type versus TRACK Mice on regular chow and Vitamin A deprived diet Kidney Mouse Cancer weill cornell medicine Peak area
ST001420 AN002375 Metabolomic analysis of patients with recurrent angina Blood Human Angina University of California, San Diego Peak area
ST002182 AN003574 Amelioration of developmental programming of NAFLD in weanling liver using PQQ Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Peak area
ST002191 AN003586 Amelioration of developmental programming of NAFLD in fetal liver using PQQ Liver Mouse Fatty liver disease University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Peak area
ST002787 AN004535 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology Peak area
ST002977 AN004889 Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome following Fecal Microbiota Transplant Feces Human University of Michigan Peak area
ST003063 AN005018 Uncoupling Metabolic Health from Thermogenesis via BCAA Nitrogen Flux in Brown Fat - Serum metabolomics from control and MBC UCP1-KO Blood Mouse Diabetes BIDMC Peak area
ST003181 AN005225 Depression symptoms modifies differently plasma metabolites in pre- and post-menopausal women Blood Human Depression Federal University of São Paulo Peak area
ST003309 AN005421 Needle leachates of Pinus koraiensis from May to September Leaves Pine Yunnan University Peak area
ST003111 AN005095 Inhibition of Asparagine Synthetase Effectively Retards Polycystic Kidney Disease Progression, investigated with targeted metabolomics in Tam-Cre;Pkd1ΔC/flox mouse model kidneys. Kidney Mouse Kidney disease San Raffaele University Peak Area
ST003335 AN005466 Biological stress metabolomics in Duchenne muscular dystrophy rodent model Blood Mouse Muscular dystrophy University of Minnesota Peak Area
ST003393 AN005567 Free fatty acid and lysophospholipids analysis of colon in Pla2g10 knockout mice. Colon Mouse Obesity University of Tokyo Peak area/mg of wet tissue
ST002041 AN003322 Irradiation causes alterations of polyamine, purine and sulfur metabolism in red blood cells and multiple organs (Spleen) Spleen Mouse University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus peak area top
ST002075 AN003382 Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device (Part 2) Intestine Human UC Davis peak height
ST000403 AN000642 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes Cells Human Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University Peak height
ST000539 AN000818 Metabolomics-based elucidation of active metabolic pathways in erythrocytes and HSC-derived reticulocytes (part II) Cells Human Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University Peak height
ST001275 AN002116 Metabolomics-based profiling of the mode of action of Pathogen Box compounds in Trypanosoma brucei (part-II) Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness Monash University Peak height
ST001527 AN002549 Lung cancer metabolomics analysis Tumor cells Human Cancer University of Louisville Peak intensity
ST000793 AN001264 Targeted FFA Composition of Myelin to Enhance Recovery of Function after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic percent
ST001289 AN002142 Regulated accumulation of desmosterol integrates macrophage lipid metabolism and inflammatory responses Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS pmol/1E6 cells
ST000647 AN000979 Effects of Exercise on Dystrophic Mouse Muscle Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (part III) Heart Mouse Muscular dystrophy Mayo Clinic pmol/mg
ST000649 AN000981 Effects of NO Donor Therapy on the Dystrophic Mouse Muscle Non-Esterified Fatty Acids (part V) Heart Mouse Muscular dystrophy Mayo Clinic pmol/mg
ST001252 AN002078 Eicosanoid profiles of dermal fibroblasts Fibroblast cells Mouse University of South Florida, Tampa pmol of lipid
ST000005 AN000012 Timecourse on RAW 264.7 cells treated with Kdo2-Lipid A and compactin Macrophages Mouse LIPID MAPS pmol/ug DNA
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002094 AN003421 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST001644 AN002689 In Vitro Characterization and Metabolomic Analysis of Cold-Stored Platelets Blood Human University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Relative Abundance
ST002206 AN003609 Lipolysis-derived Lipids Determine Autophagy Initiation during Fasting Worms C. elegans Seoul National University relative area
ST001439 AN002404 Metabolites in contents of small intestine in wild type and DAOG181R/G181R mice Intestine Mouse KEIO University School of Medicine relative_area
ST003298 AN005405 Annual changes on metabolomics profile in latex Latex Plant Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. Relative Area
ST000854 AN001378 Targeted FFA Composition in Kallikrein 6 Mice after SCI Spinal cord Mouse Spinal cord injury Mayo Clinic % total
ST000521 AN000795 Measuring NEFA concentrations in insulin resistant and insulin deficient mouse tissue models Muscle Mouse Diabetes Mayo Clinic ug/mg tissue
ST000525 AN000803 Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on the Non‐Esterified Fatty Acids concentration of Older Adults: Relation to Vascular Function Blood Human Heart disease Mayo Clinic uM
ST000600 AN000919 NEFA Profile Response to Triphenyl Phosphate Exposure Blood Rat USDA Western Human Nutrition Research Center uM
ST000640 AN000972 Targeted NEFA in American Indian Adolescents (part I) Blood Human Diabetes Mayo Clinic uM
ST000996 AN001625 Non-Esterified Fatty Acids of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (part II) Blood Human Mayo Clinic uM
ST001011 AN001653 NEFA Panel in Serum for Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-VI) Blood Human Cachexia Mayo Clinic uM
ST001011 AN001653 NEFA Panel in Serum for Muscle Wasting in Cancer Cachexia (part-VI) Blood Human Cancer Mayo Clinic uM
ST001349 AN002244 Multiparous and Primiparous Simmental Dairy Cows Blood Cow Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds uM
ST001669 AN002724 Serum metabolome of Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) Blood Human Westlake University uM
ST001903 AN003815 Effect of ketogenic diet on the plasma and tumor metabolome of melanoma-bearing mice Blood Mouse Cancer University Hospital of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg uM
ST001903 AN003815 Effect of ketogenic diet on the plasma and tumor metabolome of melanoma-bearing mice Tumor tissue Mouse Cancer University Hospital of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg uM
ST001933 AN003143 Absolute quantification of plasma cytokines and metabolome reveals the glycylproline regulating antibody-fading in convalescent COVID-19 patients Blood Human COVID-19 Hong Kong Baptist University uM
ST002023 AN003293 A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity Liver Rat Thyroid toxicity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH uM
ST002023 AN003293 A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity Thyroid Rat Thyroid toxicity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH uM
ST002337 AN003819 Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) Feces Human Westlake University umol/L