Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:DG 18:3_18:3)

Analysis_idStudy_titleSourceSpeciesDiseaseInstituteAnalysis Type
ST003645 Create network AN005984 Targeting the c-MYC/ELOVL6 Pathway Alters Cell Membrane Mechanics and Enhances Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in Pancreatic Cancer Cultured cells Human Cancer Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - Hospital 12 de Octubre LC-MS
ST003546 Create network AN005826 Improved Soil Health and Pasture Phytochemical Richness Underlies Improved Beef Nutrient Density in Southern US Grass-Finished Beef Systems Muscle Cow Utah State University Other
ST003527 Create network AN005794 Combining antibiotics alters the longitudinal maturation of gut microbiota and its short chain fatty acid metabolites in extremely and very preterm infants Feces Human Gastrointestinal disease Seoul National University GC/LC-MS
ST003477 Create network AN005712 Biocrates Test Blood Human Hannover Medical School LC-MS
ST003403 Create network AN005585 The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Metabolomics Bacterial cells Streptococcus pyogenes Bacterial infection INSERM LC-MS
ST003390 Create network AN005564 In-depth profiling of biosignatures for Type 2 diabetes mellitus cohort utilizing an integrated targeted LC-MS platform Blood Human Diabetes The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University LC-MS
ST003131 Create network AN005136 Untargeted Metabolomics on mouse caecal contents Cecum Mouse University College Cork Other
ST002880 Create network AN004719 Hypoxia-driven dynamics of tomato root lipidome Plant roots Tomato Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology LC-MS
ST002787 Create network AN004534 Metabolomic analysis of gut metabolites in colorectal cancer patients: correlation with disease development and outcome Feces Human Cancer Wuhan University of Science and Technology LC-MS
ST002522 Create network AN004155 Lipidomics study on the effect of LBP protein on hepatic lipid composition in mice Liver Mouse Oxidative stress University of Science and Technology of China LC-MS
ST002409 Create network AN003926 Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract (MS RP positive data) Intestine Human University of California, Davis LC-MS
ST002398 Create network AN003905 Lipidomics of Tango2 Deficient and Wildtype Zebrafish Muscle Tissue Muscle Zebrafish Myopathy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill LC-MS
ST002334 Create network AN003810 Phospholipase D3 impact on the endolysosomal lipidome Cultured cells Human Alzheimers disease VIB-KU Leuven LC-MS
ST002303 Create network AN003763 Fitm2 is required for ER homeostasis and normal function of murine liver Liver Mouse Harvard School of Public Health LC-MS
ST002155 Create network AN003530 Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections Feces Human Bacterial infection Brigham and Women's Hospital LC-MS
ST002149 Create network AN003519 In vivo commensal control of Clostridioides difficile virulence Cecum Mouse Brigham and Women's Hospital LC-MS
ST002090 Create network AN003414 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 2) Feces Mouse Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic LC-MS
ST002023 Create network AN003293 A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity Liver Rat Thyroid toxicity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research LC-MS
ST002023 Create network AN003293 A targeted metabolomics study for assessing rodent thyroid toxicity Thyroid Rat Thyroid toxicity Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research LC-MS
ST002018 Create network AN003288 Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (feces) Feces Human Vanderbilt University Medical Center LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003155 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003156 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003157 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001940 Create network AN003158 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome University of California, Los Angeles LC-MS
ST001725 Create network AN002810 Lipidomics dataset of Danio rerio optic nerve regeneration model Eye tissue Zebrafish Eye disease University of Miami LC-MS
ST001687 Create network AN002754 Non-transformed cells respond to fat by inducing glucose metabolism Liver Mouse VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology LC-MS
ST001158 Create network AN001916 The gut microbiota plays a central role to modulate the plasma metabolome in response to chronic Angiotensin II infusion (part-II) Feces Mouse Johns Hopkins University LC-MS
ST001059 Create network AN001733 Lipidomics for wildlife disease etiology and biomarker discovery: a case study of pansteatitis outbreak in South Africa (part-II) Adipose tissue Fish Inflammation South East Center for Integrated Metabolomics LC-MS