Summary of Study ST001328

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000906. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8KD7Z This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST001328
Study TitleMultiplatform, non-targeted analysis of lung extracts of uninfected and Mtb-infected C57BL/6 mice at 4 and 9 weeks p.i.
Study SummaryThe goal of this multiplatform, non-targeted metabolomics study was to explore the metabolic alterations occurring during the natural progression of pulmonary tuberculosis in a murine model of disease (C57BL/6 genotype). For this purpose, we used gas chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, and reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass analyzers (GC-EI-QTOF/MS, CE-ESI(+)-QTOF/MS, LC-ESI(+)-QTOF/MS and LC-ESI(-)-QTOF/MS to analyze lung extracts of age and sex-matched uninfected mice (UW, n=4), Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice at 4 weeks post-infection (4W, n=4) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice at 9 weeks post-infection. All data were acquired in MS1 mode, following a canonical non-targeted workflow.
Universidad CEU San Pablo
DepartmentDepartamento de Quimica y Bioquimica
LaboratoryCentro de Metabolomica y Bioanalisis (CEMBIO)
Last NameFernandez Garcia
First NameMiguel
AddressFacultad de Farmacia, Universidad San Pablo-CEU, CEU Universities, Urbanización Montepríncipe, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Spain
Submit Date2020-03-12
Num Groups3
Total Subjects13
Num Males6
Num Females7
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)d
Analysis Type DetailGC-MS/LC-MS
Release Date2021-03-15
Release Version1
Miguel Fernandez Garcia Miguel Fernandez Garcia application/zip

Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:


Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Mus musculus (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Pulmonary TB status
SA096365LCMSneg_4W34 weeks post-infection
SA096366GCMS_4W44 weeks post-infection
SA096367GCMS_4W14 weeks post-infection
SA096368LCMSneg_4W24 weeks post-infection
SA096369GCMS_4W24 weeks post-infection
SA096370LCMSpos_4W14 weeks post-infection
SA096371LCMSpos_4W44 weeks post-infection
SA096372LCMSpos_4W34 weeks post-infection
SA096373LCMSpos_4W24 weeks post-infection
SA096374LCMSneg_4W44 weeks post-infection
SA096375LCMSneg_4W14 weeks post-infection
SA096376GCMS_4W34 weeks post-infection
SA096377CEMS_4W14 weeks post-infection
SA096378CEMS_4W24 weeks post-infection
SA096379CEMS_4W34 weeks post-infection
SA096380CEMS_4W44 weeks post-infection
SA096381LCMSneg_9W49 weeks post-infection
SA096382LCMSneg_9W59 weeks post-infection
SA096383LCMSpos_9W19 weeks post-infection
SA096384LCMSpos_9W59 weeks post-infection
SA096385LCMSpos_9W49 weeks post-infection
SA096386LCMSpos_9W39 weeks post-infection
SA096387LCMSpos_9W29 weeks post-infection
SA096388LCMSneg_9W39 weeks post-infection
SA096389CEMS_9W19 weeks post-infection
SA096390CEMS_9W49 weeks post-infection
SA096391CEMS_9W39 weeks post-infection
SA096392CEMS_9W59 weeks post-infection
SA096393LCMSneg_9W19 weeks post-infection
SA096394LCMSneg_9W29 weeks post-infection
SA096395GCMS_9W59 weeks post-infection
SA096396CEMS_9W29 weeks post-infection
SA096397GCMS_9W39 weeks post-infection
SA096398GCMS_9W49 weeks post-infection
SA096399GCMS_9W29 weeks post-infection
SA096400GCMS_9W19 weeks post-infection
SA096401LCMSneg_UW3Control - uninfected
SA096402LCMSneg_UW4Control - uninfected
SA096403LCMSneg_UW2Control - uninfected
SA096404LCMSpos_UW1Control - uninfected
SA096405GCMS_UW1Control - uninfected
SA096406GCMS_UW2Control - uninfected
SA096407CEMS_UW4Control - uninfected
SA096408CEMS_UW3Control - uninfected
SA096409CEMS_UW2Control - uninfected
SA096410GCMS_UW3Control - uninfected
SA096411GCMS_UW4Control - uninfected
SA096412LCMSpos_UW4Control - uninfected
SA096413LCMSpos_UW3Control - uninfected
SA096414LCMSpos_UW2Control - uninfected
SA096415CEMS_UW1Control - uninfected
SA096416LCMSneg_UW1Control - uninfected
Showing results 1 to 52 of 52