Summary of Study ST000584
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000427. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8VK5D This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
This study contains a large results data set and is not available in the mwTab file. It is only available for download via FTP as data file(s) here.
Study ID | ST000584 |
Study Title | Fasting wildtype, tfeb -/- knockout, and lmna -/- knockout metabolite profiling of adult zebrafish |
Study Summary | Inhibition of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity exerts cardioprotective functions. We propose to assess the metabolite profile in zebrafish cardiomyopathy models to test the cardioprotective role of mTOR-TFEB-autophagy and mTOR-lmna- autophagy signaling in heart, liver, muscle, brain, and kidney tissue. In addition mTOR signaling among zebrafish 2 hour post feeding, 24 hour post feeding, and 48 hour post feeding will be profiled. These studes will be used as a baseline and for protocol development before we assess changes in DOX-induced cardiomyopathy. |
Institute | Mayo Clinic |
Last Name | Xu |
First Name | Xiaolei |
Address | 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905 | | |
Phone | 507-284-0685 |
Submit Date | 2017-03-10 |
Analysis Type Detail | LC-MS |
Release Date | 2019-05-15 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Subject type: Zebrafish; Subject species: Danio rerio (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | sex | tissue | timepoint | genotype |
SA030858 | nC18-20nov15-020-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030859 | nC18-20nov15-018-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030860 | nC18-20nov15-020-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030861 | nC18-20nov15-018-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030862 | nC18-20nov15-022-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030863 | nC18-20nov15-025-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030864 | nC18-20nov15-025-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030865 | pC18-18nov15-025-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030866 | nhilic-19nov15-025-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030867 | nhilic-19nov15-025-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030868 | nhilic-19nov15-020-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030869 | nhilic-19nov15-020-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030870 | nhilic-19nov15-018-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030871 | nhilic-19nov15-022-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030872 | nhilic-19nov15-022-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030873 | nC18-20nov15-005-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030874 | nC18-20nov15-005-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030875 | philic-18nov15-005-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030876 | philic-18nov15-005-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030877 | pC18-18nov15-018-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030878 | pC18-18nov15-018-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030879 | pC18-18nov15-005-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030880 | pC18-18nov15-020-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030881 | pC18-18nov15-020-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030882 | pC18-18nov15-025-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030883 | pC18-18nov15-022-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030884 | pC18-18nov15-022-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030885 | pC18-18nov15-005-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030886 | philic-18nov15-018-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030887 | philic-18nov15-022-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030888 | philic-18nov15-025-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030889 | philic-18nov15-025-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030890 | philic-18nov15-022-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030891 | philic-18nov15-020-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030892 | philic-18nov15-018-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030893 | philic-18nov15-020-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030894 | nhilic-19nov15-018-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030895 | nC18-20nov15-022-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030896 | nhilic-19nov15-005-r001 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030897 | nhilic-19nov15-005-r002 | female | heart | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030898 | nC18-26nov15-023-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030899 | nC18-26nov15-023-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030900 | philic-24nov15-005-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030901 | pC18-24nov15-023-r002_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030902 | philic-24nov15-015-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030903 | philic-24nov15-017-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030904 | philic-24nov15-017-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030905 | philic-24nov15-015-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030906 | nhilic-25nov15-012-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030907 | nhilic-25nov15-012-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030908 | nhilic-25nov15-017-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030909 | nhilic-25nov15-017-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030910 | nhilic-25nov15-015-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030911 | nhilic-25nov15-023-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030912 | philic-24nov15-005-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030913 | philic-24nov15-023-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030914 | philic-24nov15-023-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030915 | nhilic-25nov15-023-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030916 | nhilic-25nov15-005-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030917 | pC18-24nov15-017-r002_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030918 | nC18-26nov15-005-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030919 | nC18-26nov15-015-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030920 | nC18-26nov15-015-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030921 | nC18-26nov15-017-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030922 | nC18-26nov15-005-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030923 | pC18-24nov15-005-r002_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030924 | nC18-26nov15-012-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030925 | nC18-26nov15-012-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030926 | pC18-24nov15-005-r001_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030927 | pC18-24nov15-012-r001_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030928 | nC18-26nov15-017-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030929 | philic-24nov15-012-r002 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030930 | nhilic-25nov15-005-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030931 | nhilic-25nov15-015-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030932 | pC18-24nov15-017-r001_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030933 | pC18-24nov15-015-r002_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030934 | philic-24nov15-012-r001 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030935 | pC18-24nov15-012-r002_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030936 | pC18-24nov15-015-r001_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030937 | pC18-24nov15-023-r001_1 | female | kidney | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030938 | pC18-11nov15-019-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030939 | pC18-11nov15-022-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030940 | nhilic-12nov15-015-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030941 | nhilic-12nov15-015-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030942 | pC18-11nov15-022-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030943 | pC18-11nov15-019-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030944 | pC18-11nov15-016-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030945 | pC18-11nov15-016-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030946 | pC18-11nov15-015-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030947 | pC18-11nov15-003-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030948 | philic-11nov15-016-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030949 | philic-11nov15-016-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030950 | philic-11nov15-015-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030951 | philic-11nov15-015-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030952 | philic-11nov15-003-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030953 | philic-11nov15-003-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030954 | philic-11nov15-019-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030955 | philic-11nov15-019-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030956 | nhilic-12nov15-003-r001 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |
SA030957 | nhilic-12nov15-003-r002 | female | muscle | tfeb-/- | tfeb-/- |