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MB Sample ID: SA313032

Local Sample ID:soil_1
Subject ID:SU002979
Subject Type:Plant
Subject Species:Arabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomy ID:3702
Species Group:Plants

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Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004700
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type GC
Chromatography system Agilent 7890B
Column Agilent DB-FFAP (60m x 250um, 0.25um)
MS Type EI
MS instrument type Single quadrupole
MS instrument name Agilent 5977B
Units % relative peak abundance


MS ID:MS004447
Analysis ID:AN004700
Instrument Name:Agilent 5977B
Instrument Type:Single quadrupole
MS Type:EI
MS Comments:Analysis was performed using MassHunter Qualified software to extract and integrate peat spectra to profile the root volatiles from WT and mutant lines. The data from only soil was considered as the blank and was subtracted from the rVOCs data. Compounds were identified by using the library NIST 2020 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) with minimum hit count of 65. The compounds that were found to be present in at least two biological replicates out of three were taken into consideration for further analysis.