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MB Sample ID: SA308503
Local Sample ID: | ID_190 |
Subject ID: | SU002957 |
Subject Type: | Human |
Subject Species: | Homo sapiens |
Taxonomy ID: | 9606 |
Gender: | Male and female |
Species Group: | Mammals |
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Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN004663 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | Reversed phase |
Chromatography system | Agilent 1220 Infinity |
Column | Agilent Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 (150 x 4.6mm,3.5um) |
MS Type | ESI |
MS instrument type | Orbitrap |
MS instrument name | Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap |
Ion Mode | POSITIVE |
Units | intesity |
MS ID: | MS004410 |
Analysis ID: | AN004663 |
Instrument Name: | Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap |
Instrument Type: | Orbitrap |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | The electrospray ionization was operating with the following settings: spray voltage 3.5 kV; capillary temperature: 269 °C; S-lens RF level 50 V; sheath gas flow rate at 53 L min-1; aux gas flow rate at 14 L min-1; sweep gas flow rate 3 L min-1. The high-resolution mass-spectrometry was obtained under full MS/dd-MS2 mode. The mass range in the full MS scanning experiments was m/z 80-1200. The max IT was set at 200 ms, and AGC target was set at 1 x 106. For fragmentation acquisition, the top 5 (TopN, 5, loop count 5) most abundant precursors were sequentially transferred into the C-Trap (AGC target 1 x 105; max IT 50 ms) for collision. The collision energy for target analytes was 20, 30 and 35 eV. Resolving power was set at 140,000 and 70,000 for full MS and dd-MS2 acquisitions, respectively. |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |